1. Name:
2. Sex:
3. Age:
-Almost 18
4: Location:
5. Why do you want to join us:
-dunno couse you are imba
6. Name of character:
7. Class:
-storm screamer
8. What is your favourite class:
-storm screamer and ghost hunter
9. If we need you with other class for PvP/Raid/Siege U can change for the time:
-ofc i can use necro titan sph gh and everything you want
10. Were you reffered to by anyone in the clan:
-Devasion Cruz Senius and the whole clan
11.Do you have any other characters in other clans:
12. Why did you leave your last clan:
-no activity
13. Name of your last clan please:
14. How much time you spend daily day online:
-it depends from my girlfriend
15. What is your Time zone:
16. Why should we invite you:
-because i'm pro and i kick butts
17. What you will bring to our clan:
-war points i'm a farming machine
18. What do you expect from us:
-mass pvp's
19. Some other information about you:
-i'm pro and good clan member
20. Your English level (scale 1-10):
21. Are you using Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak3 are you willing to use it:
-skype and yes when the dumb Cruz tell me
22. Weapon/s +:
-3 mage weaps for every class (necro sph sps)
-dual daggers for gh
-and all the weaps +20 for each of my subs
23. Set/s +:
-elegia robe +20 lvl7 attr
-elegia light +20 lvl7 attr
-elegia heavy +16 lvl4 attr
24. Jewel/s +:
-baium +20
-beleth +20
-QA +20
25. Skill/s +:
-all skills are max on all classes
26. Weapon Agument/s:
-passive's (matk,mdef,pdef) for mage
-passive's (duel might and str+1 pdef) gor gh
-active's (all active's for pvp,oly,solo pvp)
27. other Item`s
-aio gemstone,belt pvp defence
-freya cloak+16 dynasty sigil+20 cp shirt +20
that's a good apply