1. Name: My Name is Maxim, but my friends call me Max.
2. Sex: Male for sure
3. Age: 17
4: Location: Germany, Hannover
5. Why do you want to join us: Why do you want to join us ?? Well.. i´ve seen you in pvp. Your an quit organized Clan, which can winn everytime 9v9 with good /assist
6. Name of character: Silvanos, Geisha, MissUltimate
7. Class: Ghost Hunter, Sagi, Mystic Muse, Cardi, Doombringer
8. What is your favourite class: uhmmm my fav. class. Thats hard to answer. I think i like every class.
except, Buffer classes :DD
9. If we need you with other class for PvP/Raid/Siege U can change for the time: For PvP and Sieges i will be on Dagger and Doombringer, cause of killing healer and on Raids i can change on Judi.
10. Were you reffered to by anyone in the clan: Senius. Cruz, Aela...etc.
11. Do you have any other characters in other clans: nahh.. i would know that ^^
12. Why did you leave your last clan: cause i hate Undergrounds
13. Name of your last clan please: The Undergrounds
14. How much time you spend daily day online: well it depends on real-life
but some of you know, how long i play
15. What is your Time zone:Gmt +1
16. Why should we invite you: Im an experienced player, who can solve some Situations like Chuck Norris
17. What you will bring to our clan: Glory
18. What do you expect from us: I expect mass PvP like hell.
19. Some other information about you: Im a Sportsmen.. I like evey kind of Sports..
20. Your English level (scale 1-10): hm dunno i guess somewhere from 7to 9.
21. Are you using Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak3 are you willing to use it: Skype ofc ^^
22. Weapon´s +: Dual Dagger +20, Bow +20 and Pyseal Blade +20 is comeing
23. Set´s +: +20 Set full attr..... what else
24. Jewel´s +: Full Epic +20
25. Skill´s +: full skills +30
26. Weapon Agument´s: Passive P.atk in Pvp
27. other Item`s: i dunno what to say here but i try it : Soul Cloak +20, Cp Shirt +20, ((Low)) grade Belt..